The thousands of visitors who visit Centaurus daily were very pleasantly surprised to see this health awareness program . The management had allocated both atriums of the mall for this public service. The grandeur of the mall was highlighted by scientific material on every aspects of diabetes and liver diseases on modern, colourful backlit displays. in addition practical advice and information brochures and booklets on prevention from these deadly diseases were given to people . Free checking for blood sugar, HbA1c, cholesterol, Blood pressure, BMI, Biothesiometer and Hepatitis B & C screening was provided. People displayed great interest in these and these kiosk were thronged by thousands of people waiting to be tested and educated .

The occasion was graced by a special visit by Senator Mushahidullah Khan who went around each stall and station and appreciated and encouraged the team and workers .
Dr Saleem Qureshi and Dr Musarrat Iqbal , who have been providing consultancy services to patients with these diseases in the twin cities since the last 30 years were available from 10 am to 10 pm to guide families on the current unfolding epidemic of these diseases in our population and educate them about the practical ways to focus on changing diet and physical activity patterns. There were assisted by a dedicated team of dietitians and diabetes educators and volunteer medical students . Visitors to the mall were very appreciative of this selfless initiative to highlight and suggest remedies and ways to combat the deadly menace of non communicable and non communicable disease .

Acknowledgement :
This activity would not have been possible without the kind and selfless support of the Centaurus management.
Our especial thanks to The pharmaceutical colleagues:PHARMEVO, CCL, HIGH Q, NovoNordisk, Eli LILLY, HIGHNOON, SEARLE, GETZ, OBS, HILTON, Barrette hodgson, Servier, Aventis, Nestle, Saibin pharma .