- People with diabetes do not have a greater chance of getting the virus. However they are more likely to get complications - if they get the disease .
- Your risk of getting very sick from COVID-19 is likely to be lower if your diabetes is well-managed.
- The more health conditions someone has (for example, diabetes plus heart disease), the greater the risk of getting serious complications .
COVID-19 is proving to be a more serious illness than seasonal flu in everyone, including people with diabetes.
People with diabetes should get a flu shot this year, although it’s important to understand the flu vaccine will not protect against COVID-19.
General Measures
- Frequent hand washing
- Use of face mask
- Keeping safe distance (6 feet)
- Avoid social gatherings, markets, eating out in closed spaces.
- Remember Exercise is the best immunity booster.
- Social distancing does not mean you cannot exercise, walk or cycle .
- Only Gyms needs to be avoided .
- Diet should be Healthy & Nutritious
- Increased intake of immunity boosters like Cinnamon, Clove, Kalonji, Broccoli
- Handful of Nuts daily
- Use of Vitamin C and Zinc supplement
- Soups, Green Tea.
- Make sure you have adequate supply of glucostrips and your diabetes drugs (Oral/ Insulin),
- More frequent Blood sugar checking