a handsome doctor with a winning smile suddenly,committed suicide.his death hit all of us like a ton of bricks.while the personal loss can not be even described,there is a massage,a question in his death for all of us.why would a competent,successful doctor,confident and interactive,a regular contributor on all social forums take this extreme step.the reason - intrinsic depression.
at the peek of his career with everything going for him,what darkness in the mind compelled him to take this extreme step.the reason- the drugs which are the treatment of depression ie SSRIs have a defined but imperfect role in the management of this disorder.cessation of drug therapy can result in mood worse then the baseline state and perpetuate suicidal manipulative disorders of personality and other psychological problems commandeer all the time and attention of doctors and families,while the suffering of the silent,depressive personalities remains hidden.we will have to develop a culture in our schools and work places where early signs of depression and non communicative and silent children and people are given a communicative and encouraging environment is time for us to step out and identify and empower those with sadness in their heart and save such tragedies.